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Aug '24

No Limits for Camp Butterscotch
Aug '24

Education is a common career in the Holy Trinity community, and Craig & Melissa Horejsi are no different. The Horejsi’s have combined their training and love for Special Education with a unique opportunity on their farm. Camp Butterscotch offers education about agriculture to people of all ages and abilities. This week, everyone is invited to an open house at Camp Butterscotch on Wednesday, August 14 from 5:30 – 8 pm at the Horejsi Farm (4650 Farwell Ave, Webster).
Craig, Melissa, and their daughter, Ella, have been members of Holy Trinity for about 16 years. In the past, Melissa was very involved with youth programming, serving as a Sunday School teacher, VBS leader, Middle School Youth Group coordinator, and Confirmation Small Group Leader. Melissa currently participants in Bell Choir, Altar Guild, and Worship Assistant, and is a member of the Racial Justice Committee. Craig serves as a Worship Assistant. Melissa adds, “We consider ourselves ‘seasonal’ and aren’t around much in the summer.” As a lifelong animal lover, Melissa also volunteered with her local 4-H Club, the Wheatland Wheaties.
During her summers off from school, Melissa would occasionally let her students’ families come and meet the animals. “We wanted to make our farm a place where more people could do that and be engaged. So we started the non-profit and grew from there.” For over ten years, the Horejsi family has run Camp Butterscotch on their farm. A federally-approved non-profit organization since 2014, Camp Butterscotch got its name from Ella’s “super cute farm cat named Butterscotch.”
Camp Butterscotch combines Craig and Melissa’s commitment to Special Education and their love for animals of all kinds. “We felt called to provide a place where any person of any ability level can learn about agriculture in their own space and time. We have no age limit and no ability limits. Our goal is to allow small groups of individuals to take whatever time they need to get comfortable with what we have to offer. Even if it is just to sit and listen or be able to relax in a different environment, our goal is to provide a spot where people can be comfortable engaging with the natural world,” Melissa reports.
In the fall of 2015, Craig, Melissa, and Ella were featured in the magazine, “Acres: Innovative Country Living” for their unique Camp Butterscotch.
Craig, Melissa, and their daughter, Ella, have been members of Holy Trinity for about 16 years. In the past, Melissa was very involved with youth programming, serving as a Sunday School teacher, VBS leader, Middle School Youth Group coordinator, and Confirmation Small Group Leader. Melissa currently participants in Bell Choir, Altar Guild, and Worship Assistant, and is a member of the Racial Justice Committee. Craig serves as a Worship Assistant. Melissa adds, “We consider ourselves ‘seasonal’ and aren’t around much in the summer.” As a lifelong animal lover, Melissa also volunteered with her local 4-H Club, the Wheatland Wheaties.
During her summers off from school, Melissa would occasionally let her students’ families come and meet the animals. “We wanted to make our farm a place where more people could do that and be engaged. So we started the non-profit and grew from there.” For over ten years, the Horejsi family has run Camp Butterscotch on their farm. A federally-approved non-profit organization since 2014, Camp Butterscotch got its name from Ella’s “super cute farm cat named Butterscotch.”
Camp Butterscotch combines Craig and Melissa’s commitment to Special Education and their love for animals of all kinds. “We felt called to provide a place where any person of any ability level can learn about agriculture in their own space and time. We have no age limit and no ability limits. Our goal is to allow small groups of individuals to take whatever time they need to get comfortable with what we have to offer. Even if it is just to sit and listen or be able to relax in a different environment, our goal is to provide a spot where people can be comfortable engaging with the natural world,” Melissa reports.
In the fall of 2015, Craig, Melissa, and Ella were featured in the magazine, “Acres: Innovative Country Living” for their unique Camp Butterscotch.

Experiences at Camp Butterscotch are customized to each group. Melissa explains, “There is no typical week for us. It all depends on our availability and what we can focus on. We are completely volunteer-run. As a non-profit, we have a board of directors (who are volunteers) and volunteers who are “animal experts” and general helpers for different events. We are unique because we tailor every event for the people who attend. We offer open house-style events for the public where anyone can stop by between certain hours, or private events of various sizes. Some events are larger like the one we are holding for Holy Trinity, and some are as small as a family who 
has a need. We have held week-long camps in the summer where kids can sign up for a spot and learn about a different animal/agriculture area each day. We rarely take the animals off the farm for events so bringing them for VBS this year was something we don’t usually do. Our church family is special, so I made an exception.”
Visitors to Camp Butterscotch meet cows, sheep, goats, rabbits, and chickens. “We have sensory gardens, yard and table games, and we try to have an activity that each person can bring home depending on the season. In the spring, we send people home with a potted plant, in the summer, we might paint rocks or send home some of our herbs and veggies from the sensory gardens, and in the fall, we have pumpkins and gourds (our leftovers often end up as decor for the Holy Trinity’s entry doors). All of our animals are people-friendly and are handled by ‘animal experts’ – people who know about them to answer questions and will handle the animal for people. It is definitely not a petting zoo – it’s an individualized and educational experience,” Melissa shares. A bonus is Melissa’s favorite activity, snuggling all of the animals!
Camp Butterscotch also has several great “Instagram-worthy” photo op areas, including Betty, the tractor. See the video Melissa submitted to win Betty 12 years ago.
Melissa concludes, “The bottom line is we love nature, animals, living in the country, and sharing our privilege of living here with others. We want people to feel comfortable learning about animals, knowing where your food comes from, and to experience living on a hobby farm.”

Visitors to Camp Butterscotch meet cows, sheep, goats, rabbits, and chickens. “We have sensory gardens, yard and table games, and we try to have an activity that each person can bring home depending on the season. In the spring, we send people home with a potted plant, in the summer, we might paint rocks or send home some of our herbs and veggies from the sensory gardens, and in the fall, we have pumpkins and gourds (our leftovers often end up as decor for the Holy Trinity’s entry doors). All of our animals are people-friendly and are handled by ‘animal experts’ – people who know about them to answer questions and will handle the animal for people. It is definitely not a petting zoo – it’s an individualized and educational experience,” Melissa shares. A bonus is Melissa’s favorite activity, snuggling all of the animals!
Camp Butterscotch also has several great “Instagram-worthy” photo op areas, including Betty, the tractor. See the video Melissa submitted to win Betty 12 years ago.
Melissa concludes, “The bottom line is we love nature, animals, living in the country, and sharing our privilege of living here with others. We want people to feel comfortable learning about animals, knowing where your food comes from, and to experience living on a hobby farm.”
Visit Camp Butterscotch!
All are welcome to an open house at Camp Butterscotch on
Wednesday, August 14
5:30 – 8 pm
Horejsi Farm
4650 Farwell Ave, Webster
Bring a picnic dinner and your favorite camp chair or blanket. There will be a fun scavenger hunt to visit everything on the farm as well as rock painting, yard games, puzzles, and card games. Sarah’s Stable Eats will be providing FREE cotton candy and ice cream. Come to learn more about this new, woman-owned business!
All are welcome to an open house at Camp Butterscotch on
Wednesday, August 14
5:30 – 8 pm
Horejsi Farm
4650 Farwell Ave, Webster
Bring a picnic dinner and your favorite camp chair or blanket. There will be a fun scavenger hunt to visit everything on the farm as well as rock painting, yard games, puzzles, and card games. Sarah’s Stable Eats will be providing FREE cotton candy and ice cream. Come to learn more about this new, woman-owned business!
Written by Karen Taylor, Communications Manager
August 8, 2024
May '24

Geri’s Churches
May '24

Geri Sandin didn’t like to sit still. When she wasn’t raising her four children, she was a Tupperware Sales Manager and dedicated volunteer at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. In 1983, she took over a business from some friends and built up to 28 clients. Sandin Secretarial Service was born and Geri’s customers gave her more than just business. They gave her churches.
Geri’s memory lives on through her churches, so after her children and grandchildren chose their favorite church, Jim was left with over fifty churches. He connected with Director of Children, Youth, and Family (CYF) Ministry Kate Kienow for ideas. Kate discussed options with Jim. “I was honored to help Jim find homes for Geri’s churches. We considered giving them away at Easter or Vacation Bible School but decided to share them with the students to celebrate the end of Crew Time, Confirmation, and Agape. Now each family can take a little church with them this summer!” Kate explains. Jim also thought there might be an intergenerational component to the families taking a church home. He adds, “Some people may have had Geri as their Sunday School teacher and now their kids are in the children’s programs.”
Sunday, May 12, and Wednesday, May 15 are the final days of the CYF program year. Don’t miss these youth-filled worship services! Students are invited to take one of Geri’s churches home as a gift from the Sandins. Thank you, Sandin family for sharing God’s love for all people from one generation to the next!
Written by Karen Taylor, Communications Manager
May 9, 2024
Feb '24

Doing Better
Feb '24

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. – Maya Angelou
Minneapolis – May 2020. Los Angeles – April 1992. USA – April 1968. Tulsa – May/June 1921. The hyperlinks give a clue to what these locations and dates have in common. Despite being separated by generations, these events resulted in racial justice boiling points. Sadly, racial injustices have been happening in the United States for centuries to communities of color. For almost four years, a dedicated group from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church has been focused on doing better.
In the spring of 2020, Pastor Alicia Hilding mentioned the Minneapolis Area Synod’s (MAS) desire to have every congregation prioritize anti-racism work. She gathered a team of people to start a racial justice task force. Members include (bottom row left to right) Jane Wick, Melissa Horejsi, Jen Sayler (top row left to right), Sande Schoenecker, Liz Nelson, Wendy Mathiowetz, and Linnea Hautman. The aftermath of George Floyd’s murder and the Minneapolis riots were the tipping point for many, including Melissa, who felt called to facilitate the group. She explains, “I wanted to do more. I felt called to step up and lead a racial justice group. I knew it was something I could be a part of. I wanted to learn more and to do so alongside a group of people in our church who also wanted to grow in their faith and understand privilege and racism in America.” The newly formed Racial Justice Committee held its first meeting in June 2020 with the assistance of Brenda Blackhawk, the MAS Congregational Organizer for Racial Justice.
As the whitest Christian denomination in the US, battling 400 years of systemic racism is a monumental task. Many Lutherans grew up believing Jesus had blue eyes, blond hair, and light skin…just like the picture hanging on living room walls. Holy Trinity’s Racial Justice Committee’s (RJC) first task was to educate themselves and provide opportunities for others to learn.
Member Sande Schoenecker states, “During the last four years, the committee has dedicated learning about racism and how to be anti-racist. The book study, “How to Fight Racism,” by Jemar Tisby, that we completed this fall was open to the community. It was a very meaningful and purposeful learning experience. We found that many of us share the desire to unlearn racism.”
Jen Sayler agrees, “The book study was a definite highlight for me. In his book, Jemar introduced the ARC model – Awareness, Relationships, and Commitment to fighting racism. RJC provides opportunities for awareness, learning, and growth, as well as forming relationships with others in conversation and partnership to stay committed to equity work.”
Jane Wick joined the RJC shortly after becoming a member at Holy Trinity. “I joined because I want to be part of a Christian group that helps our congregation and community realize all of the racial injustices that have happened and are still happening in our world. I have enjoyed being part of events that teach others how to be more open and loving to all people.” Linnea Hautman adds, “I wanted to learn more and grow through the work on anti-racism with other ELCA Lutherans.”
Over the years, the RJC has encouraged cultural exploration through field trips to Hocokata Ti, the Dakota 38 Memorial and Mahkato Wacipi, as well as theater productions of Imagine a US Without Racism and Black Nativity. Often, field trips end with sharing a meal at restaurants linked to the educational experience, like Taste of Rondo and Soul to Soul Smokehouse.
Wendy Mathiowetz shared her most memorable experience from Holy Trinity’s recent Adult Form presented by Manny Lewis, Minneapolis Area Synod’s Congregational Organizer for Racial Justice on the Cash Bail Bond system. Wendy explains, “Manny’s talk on bail really opened my eyes to the kinds of choices people have to make within our judicial system. Sometimes, there are no good choices, and people choose the least harmful to their families. Hearing Manny’s story showed me how ghetto Grace of God and a few well-meaning people showing up at the right time can have a huge impact on the trajectory of our lives.”
Whether it’s hosting education events at Holy Trinity or experiencing a different culture through field trips, Liz Nelson sums it up best. “The Racial Justice Committee is a valuable resource for the Holy Trinity faith community. They provide numerous opportunities to learn, listen, and build new relationships that are steps in making a difference in restoring racial justice and equity for all of God’s people.”

All are welcome to join the Racial Justice Committee as they host an Adult Form on “Land Acknowledgement.” Come to learn what it is and why it’s important. Sunday, March 17 at 10 am in Paul’s Place. Thank you to the RJC for sharing God’s love for all people from one generation to the next through educational events!
Written by Karen Taylor, Communications Manager
February 22, 2024
Jun '23

Above All – A Father’s Story
Jun '23

Scott Mackenthun’s family grew by one teenager last year when he and his wife, Jackie, and their two daughters, Quinn and Cora, hosted German exchange student Marisa Doddo. As Scott gained another “daughter,” another father, an ocean away, let go of his. Marisa’s dad, Daniel, knew the exchange student experience would be a “valuable part of her life.” After ten months apart, Marisa’s joyous reunion with her dad will be on display this Father’s Day weekend at Holy Trinity as they provide the Musical Offering on Sunday during worship.

Scott agrees the early placement was crucial to a successful experience for everyone. “Jackie and I knew what we were signing up for since host parents receive a portfolio of the prospective student, including her academic transcripts. For more than half a year, we used Zoom to connect with Marisa and her family before she arrived. In short, we knew we were getting a bright young lady who liked music, was dedicated to her church, and wanted to learn and experience a new culture. It was an easy decision to host her.” Marisa arrived on August 20, 2022, and Scott made sure she felt a part of the Mackenthun family by giving her a nickname. “Everyone at our house has a nickname (I do the naming), so Marisa became ‘Mar-Bear.’ I quizzed her on American stereotypes – fast food and diet, sports obsession, guns, patriotism, Hollywood, and cultural influence. I quizzed her on translations, using Google Translate along the way, something she’ll never forget or stop laughing about.”
While Scott was making Marisa part of his family, Daniel was coping with her absence in his. He reflects, “I liked the idea of Marisa going to the U.S. for an exchange year from the beginning. However, I let Marisa go with mixed feelings. 15-years-old is relatively young, and the pain of parting hit me more than I expected. I thought I was well prepared for the situation, but saying goodbye came faster and harder than expected. I really struggled the first two days. But I learned to deal with it with God’s help and grace. After a few days, I felt a lot better – thanks to video calls!”

Ten months of experiences, and a lifetime of memories. Scott, a Fisheries Biologist with the MN Department of Natural Resources, sums up what it was like to have an extra daughter, “As we near the end of our experience, we’re grateful for the chance to have spent time together and for creating lasting relationships with another family abroad. We’re making the most of our final weeks together, and trying to let ‘Mar-Bear’ and her family experience the best part of living in Minnesota – the summers! I’m certainly going to make sure she gets some final fishing in as well – something she had never done before she came here. Marisa likes the fish eating, and now she likes the fish-catching component, too.”
Daniel agrees, saying, “I’m excited to see Marisa again and to meet her host family and friends.” Jackie adds, “We have many fun things planned: Eve of Destruction in Elko (new for all of us!), Valleyfair, MOA, and an archery event with Scheels.” Marisa’s mom (a teacher) and brother arrive on June 22 after their school finishes. “We plan to take them to the candy store in Jordan and probably a dinner at Fogo de Chao as they don’t have any Mexican or South American food in Germany,” Jackie states. The Doddo family will leave New Prague on Sunday, June 25, and travel around the western U.S. for three weeks before returning to Germany in July.
All are welcome to worship this Sunday at 9 am to celebrate fathers of all kinds. Marisa and her dad will sing “Above All/All in All” for the Musical Offering. You won’t want to miss it! (Don’t forget your tissues.)
Feb '23

A Different Kind of Power Play
Feb '23

Minnesotans love hockey. Indoor, outdoor, Pee Wees to the Pros, Minnesota is synonymous with hockey. Ella Hansen laced up her first pair of hockey skates at the age of three and began playing competitively at age five. At the end of the regular season, she scored 31 goals with 12 assists giving her 43 total points in 25 games. Her impressive record puts her on top of the Metro West Conference and Section 2AA leaderboards. The high school junior is a top-ranked athlete in the state and many of her lower-ranking competitors have committed to NCAA Division 1 colleges. Despite her hard work on and off the rink, she attributes her success to a different kind of power play.
Dave and Joanna Hansen have been watching their daughter play hockey for years. It’s hard to imagine she almost didn’t make it past her first two weeks of life. On New Year’s Eve in 2005, Joanna was sitting in a hair salon chair, preparing to be the Matron of Honor for her sister’s wedding. Nine-day-old Ella had developed a cough and wasn’t eating, so Dave brought her to Urgent Care to have her evaluated. With one short listen to her lungs, the doctor realized Ella was in danger. The nurse scooped Ella into her arms and walked quickly to the Emergency Department. Dave followed and understood the severity of Ella’s situation as soon as he saw the room full of medical professionals working to help his tiny daughter breathe. Ella’s lips were blue. People were moving so fast. Dave immediately called his wife. Joanna recalls, “I was in complete shock. I honestly couldn’t grasp the situation, and I was stuck at the salon.”
When Dave returned from his brief phone call, the lead doctor informed him that Ella had a life-threatening case of Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and needed to be airlifted to Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis. If that wasn’t a big enough shock, there was no room for additional people in the air ambulance. Once again, Dave stepped outside to call Joanna and give her the news. When he hung up, “I looked to my right as an elderly man appeared. He said to me ‘I understand your daughter is very sick. I’m an old funeral director, and I was wondering if I could say a prayer?’ I agreed, so he put his hand on my right shoulder and said a prayer. Afterward, he said, ‘Good luck to you. She is going to be fine.’” Dave explains. He thanked the kind stranger and re-entered the building to be with his daughter. He paused after a few steps. His brain questioned how the old funeral director knew Ella was sick. And from where did he come? Dave turned around to look for the man and found no one. The man didn’t follow him inside the building, and the parking lot was too far away to walk to his car that quickly. At that moment, Dave felt an overwhelming sense of peace and calmness. “I had a strong sense Ella was going to be okay. I took that moment of prayer as a direct sign from God, and it gave me the strength I needed not only for my daughter but for my wife,” he responds.

Photo credit: Joanna Hansen
Written by Karen A. Taylor, Communication Manager
February 9, 2023
Feb '23

Now and Forever
Feb '23

Millennials have changed the way people think about weddings. Social media has replaced bridal magazines as the influencing factor on attire, venue, and decorations. Millennials differ significantly from their parents and grandparents about where they married and who performed the ceremony. According to, over the last ten years, only 30% of weddings were performed in a place of worship with a religious official, compared to 50% (parents’ generation) and 72 % (grandparents’ generation). With that rate of decline, will God even get a wedding invitation from the next generation?

What made it more complex was the couple’s religious backgrounds. Marty grew up attending church, however, as an adult does not feel connected to God through his childhood church or its doctrine. He feels more in tune with God when he’s in nature, experiencing God’s creation. Katy’s had a positive relationship with her church in her early years but didn’t want to get married in her hometown church.
Six months into their engagement, they knew God would be a priority in whatever type of wedding they had. However, they preferred a personalized wedding ceremony without the constraints of the four walls of a church. But first, they had to tell their parents. “Marty and I always knew we didn’t want to get married in a church by someone who didn’t know us. So, we met with our parents and gave them our reasons,” Katy explains. The couple chose an outdoor ceremony and asked longtime family friend, Darcey Schoenebeck, to perform it.
Darcey has an extremely close friendship with Marty’s mom, Marina. She’s known Marty since he was a toddler, and she met Katy when she and Marty started dating in high school. Darcey and her husband, Jay, have spent nearly every weekend together with Marty’s parents for the past 25 years. When Marty and Katy approached Darcey about marrying them, she said yes. Then, she got to work.

Becoming a pre-marriage counselor was a completely different experience from her online ordination. Darcey spent hundreds of dollars on the training and found twenty hours in her busy schedule to become a trained facilitator in Prepare/Enrich. “Jay and I participated in another couple’s pre-marital counseling, at the request of Pastor Ben, and I saw through that experience the importance of communication. No matter how far into your relationship you are, there is always room to improve and grow together. That certainly influenced my decision to get certified – I wanted to do it right, as best I could,” Darcey explains.
Next, Darcey met with Marty, Katy, and both of their parents for two hours to discuss wedding expectations, how God would be present, and the ceremony. Darcey reflects, “It gave everyone peace of mind that faith would be represented and well represented.” Marty adds, “My mom was very appreciative during the initial meeting and happy that her opinion mattered. We were very mindful that prayers would be woven into the ceremony.”
She met with Marty and Katy four times, and each session included homework. “I learned so much going through pre-marital counseling. I was surprised because we were together [for nine years] before getting married. I kept thinking, ‘how come we’ve never talked about this before?’” Katy explains. Marty continues, “It was easy to be vulnerable with Darcey because of our close relationship with her.”

Darcey agrees with the happily married couple. “Marrying these two people – that I have known for almost their entire lives and whose parents are our dearest friends – was the honor of my life after marrying my husband and becoming a mom. Through this experience, I saw the importance and value of community when raising a child, seeing that child into adulthood, and instilling upon that child that you and God are there for them, now and forever.”
Engagement & Wedding Photo Credit: Meg Vanscoik, Loui Photography
Written by Karen Taylor, HTLC Communication Manager
February 1, 2023
Jan '23

One Last Team
Jan '23

When the New Prague 9th grade boys’ basketball team was without a coach this fall, Superintendent Tim Dittberner was asked by Laura Meyer, parent of 9th grade athlete, Alex, if he would help coach.
“Only if the school referendum passes”, Dittberner replied.
Well, that didn’t happen.
Two weeks after the referendum vote, the head coach for the 9th grade boys’ basketball team (a non-teacher from Burnsville), didn’t make it past the first practice. Once again, the team was without a coach, and again, Superintendent Dittberner was asked to step in. This time he said yes.
Why this time? “Things happen for a reason. Our school board fully supported this decision. I am very grateful that I can do something I love and make a difference,” Dittberner explains.
It’s not the first time Mr. Dittberner stepped onto the coaching spotlight. After graduating from Gustavus with a degree in Health and Physical Education, he’s spent over forty years as an educator, principal, coach, and administrator. According to, Coach Dittberner had five teams (Le Sueur, South St. Paul, and New Prague) qualify for the boys’ state basketball tournament in eighteen years as a head coach. “We won the state championship in 1986 at Le Sueur. There are current Holy Trinity members who were students of mine at that time,” he adds.
For the last twenty years of his career, Mr. Dittberner has been a part of the New Prague Area School District. First, as Middle School Principal (2003 – 2013), and assistant and head coach of boys’ high school basketball team (2009 – 2011 seasons). In 2009, Coach Dittberner began as an assistant coach with his sons on the team when the head coach, Jeff Gravon, passed away unexpectedly from a long bout with cancer. “The funeral was held at HTLC and was a very trying experience for the team,” Dittberner reflects.
The 2009 team pulled together to make it to the state tournament, and again in 2011 under Coach Dittberner’s leadership. He retired from coaching in 2011 to watch his daughter, Annie, play her final years of high school basketball. In 2013, Mr. Dittberner moved into the superintendent’s chair, and last month, announced his plan to retire at the end of this school year.

“They are really nice kids that come from good families – I can coach them hard – they embrace high expectations and know that I care about them getting better as a person and basketball player. They want to be coached,” he responds.
Having the district superintendent as your basketball coach comes with an added perk. “They do get the inside scoop on the possibility of a snow day,” Coach Dittberner reports.
Recently, 9th grade boys’ basketball assistant coach, Mike Bartusek took a photo of Coach Dittberner with all of the players from Holy Trinity.
Is it hard to coach athletes from your church?
“I don’t favor – but I do know all their parents. I’m probably a little harder on them than some of the other players. HTLC does grow them tall! I remember the church service when they were confirmed and thought, ‘Boy, some of them are pretty lanky and tall – good basketball builds.’ You can’t coach height!”, Coach replies.
Thank you, Tim Dittberner, for making a difference in the lives of the 9th grade boys’ basketball team this season, and for your positive influence on the New Prague Area School District over the last twenty years!
Above photo: left to right – Myles Tietz, Adam Lee, Jack Kahnke, Coach Tim Dittberner, Alex Meyer, Tyler Flicek.
Photo credit: Mike Bartusek.
Photo credit: Mike Bartusek.
Written by Karen Taylor, Communication Manager
January 12, 2023
Jan '23

Generosity Overflows
Jan '23

There’s no doubt that middle school students cherish their Winter Break. No school, no strict schedule to follow, and the ability to enjoy Minnesota’s beautiful winter season. Despite having no church commitments during winter break, the 7th grade Group 3 winners of the Confirmation Giving Challenge spent their time serving others at Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) in Chanhassen, MN.
Holy Trinity is a generous congregation and gives away 10% of its annual income. The Mission Outreach team determines how the congregational tithe is gifted. Highlighted in the “CYF Happenings” section of the November 18, 2022 HTLConnections, the 7th grade Group 3 Confirmation students earned $1000 from the Mission Outreach team in the annual “Confirmation Giving Challenge”. The team was impressed with the students’ commitment to hand-delivering the $1000 donation and volunteer at FMSC to pack meal kits.
Smack dab in the middle of winter break, the 7th grade Group 3 students invited their Confirmation friends to join them on Wednesday, Dec. 28. Confirmation mentor Jamie Sticha comments, “We extended an open invitation to our Confirmation friends and had a group of 16. What an awesome way to share God’s love from one generation to the next!”
Holy Trinity is a generous congregation and gives away 10% of its annual income. The Mission Outreach team determines how the congregational tithe is gifted. Highlighted in the “CYF Happenings” section of the November 18, 2022 HTLConnections, the 7th grade Group 3 Confirmation students earned $1000 from the Mission Outreach team in the annual “Confirmation Giving Challenge”. The team was impressed with the students’ commitment to hand-delivering the $1000 donation and volunteer at FMSC to pack meal kits.
Smack dab in the middle of winter break, the 7th grade Group 3 students invited their Confirmation friends to join them on Wednesday, Dec. 28. Confirmation mentor Jamie Sticha comments, “We extended an open invitation to our Confirmation friends and had a group of 16. What an awesome way to share God’s love from one generation to the next!”

7th grade Group 3 researched several charities before settling on FMSC, an idea brought forward by Jacob Bisek. The students were impressed with their global reach and the idea of helping kids their own age. Jamie states, “we learned over 6,000 kids die every day around the world from hunger-related causes and that really moved the students.”
Jamie’s commitment to Children, Youth & Family (CYF) Ministry spans over a decade. “Sarah Becher and I led the Sunday School program for a few years after the split, and I was a member of the CYF Committee. I led my middle son’s confirmation small group for three years, and now I’m leading my youngest son’s small group. It’s such an awesome experience to be part of a young person’s faith formation. It’s another way for me to be connected to my kids, too! I usually learn something every week!”
Ron Solheim stepped up this fall to be a confirmation mentor to his grandson’s group. He adds, “This was the team responsible for all of this happening. They took the initiative to compete for the donation money from Mission and Outreach but also felt the need for personal involvement on their part and to invite others from the congregation to join them. It is a very meaningful experience to go to Feed My Starving Children and pack meals that will feed others all over the world.”
Jamie was impressed with Ron’s dedication to the confirmation students. She recalls, “he actually drove to FMSC to let them know we were presenting their organization and to get additional information about their mission. They let him bring back a food pack & hair nets to add to our presentation. The students have great respect for him, and I absolutely LOVE partnering with Ron!”
With the help of dozens of other volunteers, 26,784 meals were packed during the almost two-hour shift. This effort will feed 73 children for a year. Holy Trinity’s contribution of $1000 was matched by FMSC “to produce meals to feed 8,333 children for one day,” Ron states.
Overall, the students enjoyed working together and trying different jobs. According to Jamie, the students shared that the experience ended up being more fun than they expected and they felt God working through them.
Thank you, Jamie Sticha, Ron Solheim, 7th grade Confirmation Group 3 (and friends), and HTLC Mission Outreach team for your generosity and for making a difference in the lives of others!
Jamie’s commitment to Children, Youth & Family (CYF) Ministry spans over a decade. “Sarah Becher and I led the Sunday School program for a few years after the split, and I was a member of the CYF Committee. I led my middle son’s confirmation small group for three years, and now I’m leading my youngest son’s small group. It’s such an awesome experience to be part of a young person’s faith formation. It’s another way for me to be connected to my kids, too! I usually learn something every week!”

Jamie was impressed with Ron’s dedication to the confirmation students. She recalls, “he actually drove to FMSC to let them know we were presenting their organization and to get additional information about their mission. They let him bring back a food pack & hair nets to add to our presentation. The students have great respect for him, and I absolutely LOVE partnering with Ron!”
With the help of dozens of other volunteers, 26,784 meals were packed during the almost two-hour shift. This effort will feed 73 children for a year. Holy Trinity’s contribution of $1000 was matched by FMSC “to produce meals to feed 8,333 children for one day,” Ron states.
Overall, the students enjoyed working together and trying different jobs. According to Jamie, the students shared that the experience ended up being more fun than they expected and they felt God working through them.
Thank you, Jamie Sticha, Ron Solheim, 7th grade Confirmation Group 3 (and friends), and HTLC Mission Outreach team for your generosity and for making a difference in the lives of others!
Photo Credit: Gina Fadden
Written by Karen Taylor, Communication Manager
January 5, 2023
Nov '22

Getting Ready With Scraps of Love
Nov '22

Over two thousand years ago, a young couple was getting ready for their life to be turned upside down. The birth of their God-given son was imminent. On the road to an unfamiliar place with a deranged King hunting them, life was not easy. No family to help, no room for them in local hotels, nothing but what they could carry on their donkey. In their own season of Advent, they had to get ready. On a cold winter’s night, Jesus was born, and his mother wrapped him snuggly with strips of cloth tied together. But let’s face reality, it was not an ideal birthing experience.
God At Work
For over 50 years, a dedicated group of women have been sewing bits of cloth together into warm, cozy quilts. For decades, the quilts have been donated to LeSueur County families. If Jesus had been born in rural New Prague, there’s no doubt his family would have received one of these quilts before he was born. Mostly likely sewn by the Holy Trinity Sewing Group and hand-delivered by Holy Trinity’s Santa Anonymous Angel, LuAnn Leach.
LuAnn is instrumental in bridging the gap between Holy Trinity and Le Sueur County families with her years of service to Santa Anonymous. (Read “More Than Just A Tree” to learn more.) Years ago, God was at work as LuAnn and Carol Fehler crossed paths at the Holy Trinity Christmas Tea. Carol inquired if LuAnn could help get the quilts to families who need them. This year, LuAnn collected 25 quilts from the Holy Trinity Sewing Group, and 50 fleece blankets created by members of Holy Trinity. LuAnn and Carol make quite the team as LuAnn replies, “Carol introduced me to another quilt group, New Prague Prairie Quilters Club, and they donated 25 quilts to Santa Anonymous. My car is packed with quilts!”
Over the years, LuAnn has heard countless stories from parents who without Santa Anonymous, would not have had presents under their tree. One of her favorite stories is from a mom of three teenage sons who wrote a thank you about her sons’ favorite gift.
A quilt. Yes, even teenage boys appreciate quilts made with love.
A quilt. Yes, even teenage boys appreciate quilts made with love.
Due to the pandemic, quilters were not meeting and in 2020, the Santa Anonymous program limited quilts to one per family. This year, the Santa Anonymous program is serving 228 family units. Le Sueur County Santa Anonymous Coordinator Cindy W. reports that the Santa Anonymous program is 100% volunteer run and she is thankful for not only the volunteers like LuAnn, but also all of the area churches that make quilts and blankets for families at Christmas. “This year, every child who wants a blanket or quilt is able to receive one,” Cindy reports.
Traditions Don’t Fade
Ironically, only two members of the Sewing Group are members of Holy Trinity. “We have three Carols, a Lois and a Julie,” laughs Sewing Group coordinator, Carol Fehler. “Only Lois [Newman] and I are actual members.”
Lois recalls, “My husband, Lennie, and I joined Holy Trinity soon after the church moved to its current building [in 1978]. The sewing group existed, and I started sewing with the group soon after becoming a member.”

When asked why she quilts, Carol answers “because people need them. It’s always been a tradition at Holy Trinity.” In fact, Carol not only sews with the Sewing Group at Holy Trinity, she sews with the Prairie Quilters based out of Friedens Lutheran Church once a month, and recently started attending a group that meets at the Prior Lake Library once a week. “It’s fun to get together with people and do your various crafts.” Carol is excited that the annual Prairie Quilters Club Quilt Show will be at Holy Trinity in April. “The entire church will be filled with quilts. Some of them are so beautiful they look like works of art!” she exclaims.
As both Carol and Lois explain, as they get older, they can’t move like they did as younger quilters. Lois chuckles at a small wall hanging in the Holy Trinity quilt closet, “Old quilters never die. They just go to pieces.” Arthritic fingers and spines make quilting difficult, no matter how much they enjoy it. “There’s only five of us left”, Lois explains. “At some point, someone else has to take over.”

Thank you, Holy Trinity Sewing Group, for working behind the scenes to share God’s love for all people from one generation to the next!
Written by Karen Taylor, HTLC Communications Manager
November 22, 2022
Oct '22

Oct '22

Music + Worship + Time for Stillness = A fresh start to the week. That’s the magic formula for the newest worship service at Holy Trinity. Geared towards high school youth and older, this monthly, youth-infused service, called Compline, debuts on Sunday, October 16 from 6 – 8 pm in the Sanctuary.
Dating back to the 4th century, Compline (pronounced KOM-plin) is the Night Prayer of the church as it is the final service of the day. Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther ensured the Compline Service remained as he reformed other liturgical formats. However, modern Lutheran churches abandoned the eight services of the Divine Office, and typically hold one type of service per week. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) relies on hymnals to guide worshippers in various service types and liturgies. The Compline service appears on pages 154 – 160 of the Lutheran Book of Worship (green hymnal c.1978) and on pages 320 – 327 in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship (red hymnal c. 2006).
Yep. This “new” Compline service at Holy Trinity isn’t new at all.

Compline can be a compelling experience as the music affords people time to focus on their relationship with God. Lauren states, “For some people, it is easier to go to that reflective state, and for some people, it just feels weird to be still and see where their thoughts take them. In recognition that not everyone worships in the same way, this service is an invitation to those people who want more of a reflective time with God.” If you have concerns about finding space that works for you during Compline, please contact Lauren at
Who is that?
Rumors around New Prague will tell anyone listening that Holy Trinity is the “one with the good music”. There’s no denying Holy Trinity is blessed with talent, and the pandemic brought some new faces to the forefront, including Jackie Mackenthun. Recently, Jackie stepped in for staff musicians to sing a song she covered in 2021. Standing next to Jackie was a teenager, providing harmonies like a skilled professional. Necks craned to see “who is that?”
In front of the congregation, in a country she had entered less than four weeks prior, was German exchange student Marisa Doddo.
“Singing in general has always been a part of my life. [Ever] since I could sing, I did,” Marisa explains. Staying with the Mackenthun family for a year, Marisa was comfortable attending and singing in worship. Host Mom Jackie explains that German schools do not have music or sports as a part of their programming, so one way for people to immerse themselves in music is through the church. However, according to Marisa, most Germans do not attend church. “It’s not a thing out of responsibility or tradition there,” she says. Marisa and her family attend a Baptist church, Credo Kirche, with multiple campuses, and a big focus on music and youth. Jackie adds, “I think she is really missing [her church] right now. They do week-long lock-ins called ‘wohnwoche’ where the kids ‘just be’ at church – live at church, sleep at church, do school from church, and have a lot of fun activities.”

As compared to Holy Trinity, Marisa reports that Credo Kirche has more modern elements in the service and it is more “active” as a whole. (Click here to watch a 30 sec. video of a typical worship service). In general, she thinks that Americans are friendlier than Germans, except for the people at Credo Kirche. “We have about 100 people in our youth church, and it is the place where I feel most at home. It’s the most non-toxic place with open-hearted people and you feel welcome there.”
Just Be
Just be.
In fellowship with others.
With the lyrics to beautiful music.
In a calm, peaceful environment.
Just be.
Letting God work wonders and not requiring an explanation. (Like how does a talented teenager from Martin Luther’s birthplace show up in rural Minnesota in time to help lead a new, youth-inspired, music-filled worship service?)
Yes, Marisa will be one of the students leading Compline through her singing talents, feeling right at home in a new country. A country, in her eyes, filled with overly sweet food that can sit on a shelf for months, closets stuffed with unworn clothes, and houses with rooms dedicated solely to storing more overly sweet food. This Sunday at 6 pm, join in the youth-led worship experience at the first Compline service.
To read more about Marisa and her journey with the Mackenthun family, check out Jackie’s blog,
Written by Karen Taylor, Communications Manager
October 13, 2022
Jul '22

Community Gathering For All
Jul '22

At the “Embracing Diversity” book study last week, Dr. Darrell Jodock commented on a great concern for public health: that is, the effects of isolation. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have missed our community’s summer signature event for two years in a row. But this year, RibFest is back.
In the Beginning

Change of Scenery

And then the world stopped. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, community events were stalled and postponed. Summer simply didn’t feel the same.
A Fresh Start

Another thing that hasn’t changed since the beginning of RibFest is the fact that this is a FREE community event. There is no charge to attend. Some people stop by to listen to some music and have a beverage before making the choice to eat a meal. However, this year, food will only be served between 5 – 7 pm, so music lovers will have to make their decision early. Meal tickets are sold at the gated entrance of the front yard (near door 1 of the building). For volunteers, it’s the best gig all year!
There’s New Kid at the Party
Holy Trinity’s Executive Council Team was brainstorming about how to make RibFest “bigger and better”, and how to raise money for all of the new Strategic Plan 2.0 initiatives. Council President, Jackie Mackenthun, shares, “I’ve been to a lot of silent auctions and think they are a lot of fun. We have around 30 items so far and would love some more.” She says the biggest ticket item donated so far is from the Chanhassen Dinner Theater. Jackie hopes to see some donations for a family game night, day at the beach or a “gym rat” basket. “Holy Trinity has so many great teams and projects going on! The primary focus of the Silent Auction is to help raise money for the Strategic 2.0 initiatives, but so many other groups will indirectly benefit as a result of all of these ideas. Peace Garden, Racial Justice Team, Endowment Fund, and Youth Groups. So many great things to be excited for!”

Written by Karen A. Taylor, Web Manager
July 13, 2022
Jun '22

Brown Bags From Heaven
Jun '22

Hungriest summer on record. Those words hit Holy Trinity’s Hospitality Coordinator, Donna Galvin, at her core, and she felt called to do something about it. “My passion is feeding people!” she states confidently. With the help of a grant from Holy Trinity’s Endowment Fund, Donna is on a mission to feed as many kids as possible this summer.
Feeding the Hungry

Fast forward through the busyness of life, throw in a global pandemic, and the voice in Donna’s head to do something grew louder.
Hungriest Summer on Record
This spring, Donna participated in a webinar from Second Harvest Heartland called, “Summer Food Service Program 101 and How to be a Summer Meals Champion”. It was just the kick start Donna needed. “That was the first time I heard the phrase ‘Hungriest Summer on Record’ and I knew I had to do something,” Donna replies. The lingering impact of the pandemic, cost of food rising 16%, and schools eliminating their summer food program contribute to the “hungriest summer on record” claim. She quickly filled out the Holy Trinity Endowment Grant Request Form to request funds to make her dream a reality.
Endowment Committee member Dan Popple stated, “Endowment was impressed with the passion exhibited by Donna to identify and fill a need in the local community in an area where the Holy Trinity Hospitality Team could apply their resources and skills to help. The effort to connect with the New Prague Peace Center to define this specific gap leading into the summer months generated interest from our group to assist. We look forward to their efforts leading to a positive impact.”
Donna was awarded a $1000 grant, and she didn’t waste any time assembling her team to get to work.
Manna Bags
What is manna? Manna is the food that dropped from heaven that prevented Moses and the Israelites from starving in the desert (Exodus 16:14–36). Donna creatively named these brown paper bags filled with easy to prepare, shelf-stable breakfast and lunch items, “Manna Bags”. Donna’s Hospitality Team shopped for items for their Manna Bags at Sam’s Club to stretch their Endowment grant funds. “Our goal is to make deliveries to the Peace Center every 2-3 weeks throughout the summer,” Donna reports. After recovering from a long day of shopping, Donna heard a familiar voice speaking on the TV news. It was Second Harvest Heartland’s CEO, Allison O’Toole, who directed the webinar Donna attended earlier in the spring, and again, Donna heard the words “hungriest summer on record”.
“Inflation, sky-high consumer prices, gas prices, people’s rent payments are going up at a time when their wages aren’t following necessarily — especially for those lower-wage workers — [and] supply chain issues are putting pressure on all ends of the system,” O’Toole added about the reasons behind the expected demand.

More Manna
If you’d like to contribute to the next batch of Manna Bags, Donna suggests the following items: applesauce cups, 100% juice boxes, breakfast bars, and pop-top canned Spaghetti O’s (with or without meatballs). Donations can be dropped off with Donna on Sunday mornings after worship in the kitchen, or with Jamie in the church office during business hours. Keep your ears open in worship as Donna may schedule her next Manna Bag packing session after Sunday morning worship and seek more volunteers.
Written by Karen Taylor, Web Manager
June 23, 2022
May '22

The Little Free Pantry That Could
May '22

A woman takes a package of diapers for her crying infant. A young student rides his bike to pick out some food for his family. Small, wooden shelters on the south side of Holy Trinity’s building are making a big impact in our community.

The original Little Free Pantry
Holy Trinity’s Free Little Food Pantry was built in 2018 by Facilities Manager, Jon Bergquist at the request of the eight person Mission Outreach Team. The idea was brought to the team as a member had seen it in another town. “The Little Free Pantry is an emergency pantry, not a food shelf,” reports Liz Nelson, HTLC’s Pantry Coordinator. The pantry serves many purposes – for those who want to give and for those who need to receive. “The location of the pantry gives the users anonymity and privacy.” Liz also volunteers her time at the New Prague Peace Center and says, “there can be unintentional stigma on users of the Peace Center. People like the anonymity of the Little Free Pantries.”
One More

The Little Free Pantry for household items

Liz Nelson fills the Little Free Food Pantry
Abundant Blessings

Brody D., one of many Confirmation students committed to serving New Prague families, fills the pantry earlier this month.
To learn more about the Holy Trinity Mission Outreach Team or donations requested for the Little Free Pantry, visit
Written by Karen Taylor, HTLC Web Manager
May 25, 2022
Apr '22

Tying It All Together
Apr '22

There are moments in a church when seemingly random events are tied together by the arrival of something new and everything “clicks”. Holy Trinity is having one of those moments.
April, a month that welcomed Holy Week, embraced spring (come on, Minnesota!), and celebrated Holy Trinity’s Strategic 2.0 final recommendations titled New Life, has one more event on the calendar. Breaking ground for a community garden, named The Peace Garden, on Thursday, April 28, 9 am. Coincidentally, the appearance of three traveling mosaic panels in Holy Trinity’s narthex beautifully ties all of these occasions together.
Broken to Beautiful
Mosaics have been around for over 4000 years, using shards of broken tiles, glass and mirrors to create decorative art pieces. According to the artist statement, “These three panels were commissioned for the 2019 Minneapolis Area Synod Assembly. They were created by
the Semilla Center for Healing and the Arts at St. Paul’s Lutheran in south Minneapolis. Semilla (Sah-MEE-yah) means ‘seed’ in Spanish, and the center works to plant seeds of hope by teaching and creating public art that can help make the community healthier, safer and more beautiful.

“The panel ‘Feed the World’ is our call to end world hunger. The images reflect the Three Sisters that native peoples planted together: corn, beans and squash. It is a planting that naturally calls to cooperation. As in nature, we are all one; we are all in this world together.
“The panel “Love the Earth” shows native flowers of Minnesota, which attract pollinators needed for life:
butterflies, bees, hummingbirds. Under the earth, you can see a different kind of pollinator: bugs and animals that help create the soil that nourishes all of us.

Fate or Foresight
According to the Semilla Center, the mosaics have been on display at nearly a dozen area congregations over the last 3 years. This number would’ve been more if not for the pandemic. Pastor Ben requested these panels to reside at Holy Trinity in April to connect all of the events of April (New Life Huddle, Holy Week and Peace Garden groundbreaking). So perhaps it wasn’t fate, but the foresight of our forward-thinking Pastor Ben!
If you haven’t seen these stunning panels in person, don’t wait any longer! They’re moving onto another church at the end of this month. Find them on display in the narthex by the Welcome Center (Jamie’s old office).
The Garden and the Town
Last October, former HTLC Communications Specialist Rose Fife, wrote a blog introducing the Peace Garden titled, The Garden and the Town. Months of planning have led to the partnership between Holy Trinity, New Prague Rotary Club, The Peace Center, The NPHS Green Team, Boy Scout Troop 323, Praha Village and Nick Slavik to build and maintain the Peace Garden. All are welcome to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the Peace Garden on Thursday, April 28, 9 am at Holy Trinity’s south parking lot.
For more information about volunteering or sponsorship of the Peace Garden, please visit
Written by Karen A. Taylor, Web Manager
April 20, 2022
Mar '22

Learning to Step Up
Mar '22

In the middle of Lent, with a theme of “Full to the Brim”, six Holy Trinity high school students stepped out of their comfort zone and stepped up to a dynamic leadership experience at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN. Most students navigating through any high school have their cups overflowing – homework, teacher and parent expectations, sports, extracurricular activities, peer relationships and sometimes, just trying to get from one class to the next through crowded hallways is a chore. Besides a day off from New Prague High School, the students came away with much more.
Throughout the years, Gustavus Adolphus College Association of Congregations (GACAC) has conducted a leadership seminar specifically geared towards high school students. Pastor Alicia Hilding states, “It was great to travel with a small group of high school students to learn about ourselves, our faith, our values, and principles of leadership while immersed in an ELCA College experience. We shared the day with other high school students from across the state and learned from some incredible leaders and people of faith at Gustavus: Dr. Kathi Tunheim (Vice President for Mission, Strategy, and Innovation), Dr. Doug Thompson (Vice President for Equity and Inclusion), and Rev. Grady St. Dennis (Director of Church Relations and College Chaplain). At the end of the day, each of our students stood in front of the group and shared how they would hope to implement one thing into their leadership when they go back home.”

Taylor H. stated she would attend this leadership session again because, “The sessions were eye opening and informative. Lessons learned from the sessions could be implemented immediately. It was a fun experience to try something new and learn about topics that aren’t taught in the school day.”
Carson S. replied that he enjoyed the “personal” activities. “We were given a list of leadership traits and we had to circle what we thought our five best leadership qualities were . I also like spending the whole day on a college campus and eating lunch in the Gustavus cafeteria – whatever we wanted for free! I would recommend this experience to others because it was fun and different from a normal routine.”
Ella H. summed up her experience by saying, “The Step Up Day looked into leadership and how everyone plays an important part. It also shows the importance of a community because we each have a role to play. No one can do it all! I would definitely recommend it!”
Isaiah P. recalls his day by stating, “I was able to hear the stories of different people and how they have used their experiences to become a leader. They shared the steps to becoming a leader and we did many activities learning about what makes a leader.”

Not only did these students enjoy a day away from high school, they are some of the key members of the Holy Trinity High School Youth Group. Lauren Petersen, new Director of Children, Youth & Family Ministries accompanied Pastor Alicia and the students to the Step Up Leadership Day, and is working hard to kick-start a strong high school program at Holy Trinity. In fact, the group recently chose a new name to represent themselves – “Agape”. Agape (ah-gah-pay) comes from the Greek word that means unconditional and enduring love for all from God. Lauren states, “Being able to listen to what these individuals had to say and share with the rest of the group was extremely rewarding. Every person is a leader in their own way and we all can benefit from listening to each other. This experience was really eye opening for me to better understand what leadership means to those students. That will most definitely help us figure out where to start as we begin a new chapter with Agape and see a glimpse of what it could potentially grow into. We have amazing youth and I’m excited to see where this will take us!”
Agape is open to all high school and college-age students and meets on Wednesday nights. All students are invited to eat supper together at 5 pm, worship together at 6 pm and end their evening with Agape from 6:45 – 8:00 pm.
Written by Karen A. Taylor, Web Manager
March 31, 2022
Mar '22

The Beat Goes On
Mar '22

Audre Johnson has a magnet on her refrigerator with Winston Churchill’s quote “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” If anyone knows about trips through hell, it’s Audre.
The focus of our Lent Sermon Series, Full to the Brim, this week is “Even in the Desert”. Sermons and small groups discussions center around how our lives can be full to the brim with faith, grace, generosity and love.
But what if you’re in hell?
Keep Going
Over the past 20 years, Audre lost two children to suicide, battled cancer, watched her grandchildren become orphans, and most
recently, became a widow after 57 years of marriage. Grief knocks on her door, but Audre doesn’t let it stay for long. “You have to stay positive, because going into the darkness isn’t a good thing,” she says. Audre has a way of turning her grief into something positive. After her son, Jesse, died in 2002, Audre became an advocate for organ donation and speaks to high school driver’s training students about its importance. She’s also generous with donations to HTLC as the Johnson home was always full of music, thanks to Audre’s late husband, Bob.

Bob Johnson’s lifelong love of playing the drums started when he was in the elementary school band in Dassel, MN. In high school, Bob
and some friends formed a band and they played in Dassel’s first public dance in the late 1950’s. Bob met his future wife, Audre, in the 2nd grade, but sparks didn’t fly until high school when they revised a homecoming skit together during their sophomore year. Audre shares memories of proms and High School band where she admits with a laugh, “I only played the French Horn so I could be with Bob in the marching band.”

Bob and Audre graduated in 1962 and married after Audre completed her nursing degree in 1964. Bob worked in the carpentry trade, but always had time for his band in North Minneapolis. Although playing the drums was never his full-time career, Bob’s band always loved playing for family celebrations. Audre recalls, “Bob LOVED music! If he wasn’t listening to it in his garage, he was watching music programs on AXIS TV. The Carpenters were his favorite group and he loved the sound of the Beatles.” Bob had a great ear for identifying performers for music in general, a trait he passed along to his kids. Bob’s original 1963 drum set sits in the Johnson home where their grandkids and great-grandkids love to play on Grandpa’s drums.
The Beat Goes On
Audre’s latest gift to Holy Trinity is a drum shield, in memory of Bob. Why a drum shield? “Bob and I listen to online worship services. He loved the contemporary music of HTLC especially when Lex Lammers had a great drum part.” Bob understood the importance of balancing the sound of the instruments in a small setting and how the drums can easily overwhelm the rest of the voices and instruments. The drum shield will improve the cohesiveness of the HTLC Worship Team, especially when mixing the sound for in-person worship and livestreaming.
The past year has been especially hard for Audre. Her daughter, Nicole, encouraged her to journal her thoughts and family stories as a way to cope with her latest loss. “I’ve always been a talker, so writing is completely new to me. Someday, my grandkids may want to read my journal to understand why things in their lives happened the way they did.”
Audre Johnson has experienced more than her fair share of grief over the past 20 years. Yet she isn’t drowning in the depths of hell. For Audre, the beat goes on – her faith, her grace, her generosity and her love for others keeps her moving forward.
Written by Karen A. Taylor, Web Manager
March 1, 2022
Feb '22

Share the Love
Feb '22

Imagine Holy Trinity had a beautiful rose bush that produced the most luscious roses ever seen. And no matter how many roses are pruned to make bouquets, the bush always grows more roses. As elementary as it sounds, Holy Trinity does have a beautiful rose bush in the form of the Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund (rose bush) is a perpetual gift that only gives out the annual distribution (bouquets) each year. $9865 was given to various ministry partners that support the mission of the Endowment Team in 2021. This month, between February 4 – 14, you’re invited to Share the Love. For the cost of a dozen roses or a fancy box of chocolates, the Endowment Team invites you to donate $25 to the Endowment Fund in honor of a friend or loved one.
Years of Giving
For the past 24 years, the Endowment Committee has met quarterly to review grant applications and discern which organizations receive a bouquet of roses (funds from the Endowment). According to the Mission Statement of the Endowment Committee, “distributions benefit the areas of evangelism, missions, youth ministry, local benevolence, and special needs of the church.” Committee Member, Joanna Hansen, was looking for ways to volunteer and discovered the Endowment Team was the perfect fit. “I struggled with how to [volunteer at HTLC] while balancing a full time career where I do a fair amount of travelling along with being a busy hockey mom. While I knew nothing about Endowment initially, I quickly learned this was something I simply wanted to be a part of,” Hansen recalls.
Newly-elected Endowment Team member, Gary Eagen, is no stranger to Holy Trinity or the Endowment Committee. Gary and his wife, Mary, have been members since 1970 and he served on the Endowment Committee 10 years ago. “It’s my way of giving to an institution that has given me guidance in my journey of life,” states Eagen.
Another rookie on the Endowment Team, Adam Cornell has a sweet history with Holy Trinity as he married his wife, Lindsey, in the sanctuary 15 years ago. “We came back to Holy Trinity [three years ago] for a place where we could grow in faith, with people that have shared values and be part of the local community. I volunteered for the Endowment Committee to connect with other Holy Trinity members and learn about the local/greater community needs. I wanted to know more about the Endowment, how it’s funded, how funds are distributed, who’s requesting funding and who/how funding is approved.”
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Endowment Fund donations do not go into HTLC’s operating accounts. Instead, they are invested with the St. Paul Foundation. The Endowment Fund’s “rose bush” grows in three ways. Organic Growth – the fund is conservatively invested in the financial markets and experiences growth with the markets. Contributions from an Estate Plan – donors designate money directly to the Endowment Fund or through the church’s gift policy. Contributions from Active Donors – contributions are accepted from church and community members who are looking to donate funds beyond the church and its traditional operating budget. Since the Endowment Committee only gives away the annual distribution from the fund, the larger the rose bush, the more bouquets it can give away.
Share the Love

Why should you donate $25 to the Share the Love Campaign? Hansen sums it up, “As a Committee, we find ourselves having to be conservative when approving requests, especially in the beginning of the year (to make sure we have enough funds to last the duration of the year). We want to be sure we have enough funds to support Thanksgiving meals, in addition to any needs that may come in during the holidays. The Share the Love campaign gives everyone the opportunity to help grow the Endowment Fund, so we can continue to say ‘yes’ to every opportunity that comes in that fits the Endowment Fund mission.”
New Committee Team member, Dan Popple, likes the idea of contributing through the Share the Love Campaign as “it combines visibility to the Endowment while simultaneously providing a simple mechanism to grow the fund. As more people learn their contributions will continue providing valuable support for worthy causes for generations through the returns from the fund, it will create additional interest and excitement on what we can accomplish.”
Help us Share the Love! As you learn more about the Share the Love Campaign from Adam Cornell this week in worship, please consider donating to the Share the Love Campaign between now and February 14. For the cost of a dozen roses or a box of Valentine’s chocolates, you can make a positive impact for generations to come.
Written by Karen Taylor, Web Manager
February 2, 2022
Dec '21

Fresh Look Welcomes All
Dec '21

Holy Trinity installed a new digital sign this past week. A project sparked by the love of Dennis Jasperson for his late wife and his church. As a long-time member, Jasperson wanted to find a way for his late wife Dorothy to remain a part of Holy Trinity. A way she can continue to welcome people to the church she loved.
“When we did the church visits [in February 2020], I came to the realization all these churches that were doing
well had electronic signs. I knew there was talk in the past about this and I thought it would be a good time to bring it up,” says Jasperson, holding his steaming cup of coffee on a warm August morning. “I wanted to contribute, get it started, and hope that people would support it.”

So, in spring 2021, he and his family made a sizable donation in her name toward the construction of a new digital sign. It is important to them, however, that the sign reflects the vision of the congregation. “I didn’t want it to be a sign that I was saying what size or shape. I want it to be whatever the people want.”
Holy Trinity responded by inviting the congregation to a series of open meetings led by council member Mark Walser. From there, a committee formed to make Dennis’ hope a reality.
This was an important project for Walser whose kids enjoyed playing with Dorothy. After researching several companies who make electronic signs, he invited two of them to give a presentation to the committee. Walser was clear about wanting the input of the congregation. “I don’t want to spend people’s money without the support of the congregation.” The source of the sign was also important. “This is a quality sign, manufactured in the U.S, with design controlled in the U.S.”
For Jasperson, the sign is more than a communication tool. “It’s not about being boastful. It’s about letting people know what we’re about. There’s a place for them here. They are welcome and maybe we can provide what they’re looking for.”
A special congregational meeting was held in-person and via Zoom on September 12. After a presentation by Walser and a tearfilled speech by Jasperson, the vote to purchase the sign quickly passed. Employing a “Pixels to Panels” sponsorship campaign, Holy Trinity had enough funds to make the down payment which ensured the installation of the sign before Christmas by the end of September. Less than two weeks later, the digital sign was fully funded. Surprised by the speed of the fundraising efforts, congregational member Pat Remfert summarized, “We have a lot of passionate, committed and giving people in our congregation.”

With this sign, Jasperson knows a part of Dorothy is still present. “I feel like Dorothy is inviting people to church. That’s why I did it.”
Written by Rose M. Fife and Karen A. Taylor
Photo Credits: George Winn, Pastor Ben Hilding, Gina Fadden
December 16, 2021

Some people say this double rainbow was Dorothy Jasperson giving her sign of approval. Tell us what you think in the comments!
Nov '21

More Than A Tree
Nov '21

The six-foot artificial evergreen tree in the Fellowship Hall holds more than paper tags. It’s a symbol of hope for families in need to receive Christmas gifts for their children and an opportunity for families to volunteer and discover “the reason for the season”. Now in its 29th year, the Holy Trinity Sharing Tree is a mission with a strong history that continues today, thanks to an army of Christmas Angels.
In the Beginning
Deep in the Holy Trinity archives, Office Manager Jamie Bisek discovered the Sharing Tree began in 1992 under the direction of the Christian Life & Growth Team, led by Sue Harris. When Mary Hanson-Busch joined Holy Trinity in 1993, she was drawn to the generosity of the group. “Seeing so many people coming together to sponsor local families is gratifying.” Busch recalls the Sunday School offering being used to purchase winter gear and the Sharing Tree tags had toy ideas for the Santa Anonymous program. “Sue would bring in all of the snowsuits for the Sunday School to see what was bought.”
Busch eventually took over the Sharing Tree Coordinator position after Harris moved, a job that took many volunteers and hours. Initially working with both Scott and Le Sueur county agencies to find families in need, Holy Trinity’s Sharing Tree was sponsoring over 300 families. Busch remembers, “We would pile all of the items over the collection [period] and spend one full day, with many helpers, matching and sorting gifts. Volunteers got the [gift] bags to the sites each county had.” Shortly after that season, Holy Trinity worked solely with the Le Sueur County Adopt-a-Family and Santa Anonymous agencies.
LuAnn Leach’s involvement with Le Sueur County Santa Anonymous stems back to its inception in 1977 where they served 165 elementary aged children. At its height in the late 1980’s, Santa Anonymous provided gifts for almost 1000 children a year. Leech reports, “Since 2012, we have worked closely with Adopt-A-Family to avoid duplication of gifts; they focus on clothing and Santa Anonymous on toys. We now serve about 240 families with about 580 children. Typically, 85-90 families per year are ‘new’, so we know Le Sueur county residents continue to struggle economically.”
In recent years, Holy Trinity supported Le Sueur County families through the Santa Anonymous program, led by Leach and the Sharing Tree, coordinated by Busch and Julie Popple. The Sharing Tree evolved to meet the needs of the county, and narrowed its focus to the Adopt-a-Family program to collect clothing and winter gear.
This year, the efforts of all three women are combining and Holy Trinity is partnering with Le Sueur County Santa Anonymous to provide toys for families.
Christmas Angels

Lydia & Ellen Popple ~ 2004
The Sharing Tree’s volunteer-driven mission runs like a well-oiled machine, thanks to angels (in human form) Busch, Popple and Leach. Popple’s connection goes back to 2004 as she was looking for ways to get more involved at church with her two young children. She recalls, “From the time our daughters were 3 and 1, they helped me pack the bags with clothes and toys and eventually became old enough to actually be helpful. Our project time together was a perfect opportunity to share with the girls that everyone experiences times of need and opportunities for generous giving. The Sharing Tree project serves as our annual reminder to respond with faith in scarcity and abundance. It continues to be one of our favorite parts of the Christmas season.”
Leach also has fond memories of her children helping her shop for Santa Anonymous gifts. “My 2nd daughter was 3-weeks-old, in an infant seat, with me at the first [Santa Anonymous] shop. My three kids grew up helping [me] shop and now I have grandchildren [helping me]. Understanding the true meaning of Christmas, as well as experiencing gratitude and humility, are lifelong behaviors I hope for in my family.”
The Empty Tree


When the Sharing Tree pops up in mid-November, the tags are often gone by Thanksgiving (as was the case in 2018 and 2019). The empty tree not only signifies the generosity that is woven into the fabric of Holy Trinity, but also and more importantly, families in need will have Christmas presents for their children. Leach consistently hears the phrase “without these gifts, we would not have Christmas” as she delivers Santa Anonymous gifts. After taking a hiatus in 2020*, the Sharing Tree returned with 35 tags. Each tag has two gift ideas for one child. One tag remains with a week to go before Thanksgiving.
Let all that you do be done in love (1 Corinthians 16:14). Thank you, Holy Trinity, for your continued support of the Sharing Tree!
*Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of the church building, the Sharing Tree team set up an outdoor, drop-off collection site in 2020 for winter coats for the Le Sueur County Adopt-a-Family program.
Written by Karen A. Taylor, HTLC Web Manager
November 18, 2021
Nov '21

All are Welcome
Nov '21

Holy Trinity to Continue Annual Thanksgiving Meal
The car turns into the parking lot, slowing as the driver spies the line of vehicles winding around the perimeter, groups of people dropping bags into trunks. It is unusually busy for a Sunday afternoon and, not wanting to disturb, they edge along the side. They are hopeful the Little Free Pantry has a few items left so they angle in that direction. Suddenly a blonde woman with a friendly smile and a wave approaches them. “Would you like a free Thanksgiving dinner?” she calls out.

A variation on our annual tradition of a community Thanksgiving Dinner (started by Audre Johnson in 2010), Holy Trinity is again hosting a free Thanksgiving Meal-in-a-Bag Giveaway on Sunday, November 21, 1-3 pm. Anyone interested in a meal is invited to call Donna Galvin (952-486-3242) to reserve one. Each bag will feed four to six people and include turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, dinner rolls, a vegetable, and a pie.
Unflappable Donna
Galvin knows her life’s vocation. “Feeding other people is what makes me happy!” she says, laughing. “And to be able to give back to the community, it makes it all worthwhile.”
With her passion for food, it’s no surprise that Galvin and the Hospitality Team were able to adjust in 2020 at the onset of the pandemic. They altered the format from a traditional meal served in Fellowship Hall to a sign-up/drive-through. But Galvin was not phased. “I thought it went fabulous! I think it went really well,” she says of the pandemic-friendly twist.
This same group of alternately feisty (you know who you are), and helpful people weathered many challenges with the pandemic. They served Sunday morning coffee and even hosted Wednesday night dinners in the parking lot, hauling meals and beverages outside in chilly, windy, or stiflingly hot days. This also did not bother Galvin.
“I rather enjoyed being outside. I told the pastors, ‘30 below is my limit,’” says our stalwart Galvin. “But yes, I am looking forward to being back inside.” (Wednesday night dinners and Sunday morning coffee will be indoors beginning Wed., Nov. 17.)
Legacy of the Endowment Fund
The Thanksgiving meal is funded by the Holy Trinity Endowment Fund and a Thrivent Action Grant. “It is the elected Endowment Team’s joy to encourage, receive, and administer gifts to this fund (invested with the Saint Paul Foundation) in a way that honors God and aligns with the vision,” says Pastor Alicia Hilding, a member of the Endowment Team. “[We] enthusiastically supported Donna and the Hospitality Team’s application, believing HTLC’s Thanksgiving Meal is a great example of the ministry this fund was designed to support.”
Every year, the Endowment Team invites new groups to apply for funding generated by the investment. Their mission is evident in their bylaws. “The purpose of this fund is to enhance the outreach of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Past recipients include the School Supply Drive; Hope House; Faith, Recovery, and Music; and His Haven Ranch.
“The beauty of the Endowment Fund is that it creates a legacy of giving through Holy Trinity Church, year after year, generation after generation, long after the original donation was made,” says Jed Trachte, Endowment Team Chair.
So who is invited to sign up for a Thanksgiving Meal-in-a-Bag? “Anyone in the community [and surrounding communities],” says Galvin. “We welcome everybody. It’s my job to be with people, to feed people.”
Written by Rose M. Fife, HTLC Communications Specialist
November 11, 2021