All donations to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church are tax-deductible and confidential.
Please contact Office Manager Jamie Bisek, or call 952.758.3513 for more information.
10% of Holy Trinity’s annual Ministry Offering supports Mission Outreach projects.
Deuteronomy 16:17 –All shall give as they are able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that He has given you.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church believes God calls, as individuals and as a church, to be responsible stewards of the spiritual and material gifts God has given. Giving can come in all shapes and sizes. It is appreciated and encouraged, whether it is volunteering your time and talents, serving on a ministry team or church council, or supporting the good works of Holy Trinity through your monetary donations to further God’s Kingdom.
Holy Trinity gives in response to God’s goodness, and believes giving is a barometer of the relationship to God. God calls to give proportionately to your income and to give the first-fruits to Him. Tithing is a spiritual discipline to give away 10% of your wealth. All are invited to grow towards and beyond the biblical model of tithing.

Ministry Offering
Giving your Ministry Offering online is easy! Credit card or bank account, one-time donation or recurring – you choose the account, amount, and frequency. Click the Vanco Faith Online button to start giving online.
Please consider paying the convenience fees when choosing this option. If you have questions about the fee coverage, please inquire with Jamie in the church office. Thank you for the gifts you generously give to God’s ministry through Holy Trinity!
Concerned about the security of your online offering?
For information Offering Envelopes or Simply Giving, click here.

NEXT Capital Campaign
All pledges in support of the NEXT Capital Campaign and NEXT Facility Project are appreciated. Please click the NEXT Capital Campaign button to learn when and how to give.
Legacy Giving – Endowment Fund
Give a gift that will last for generations by giving to the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund is an option for those who want their gift to grow and the annual distribution is shared with partner ministries that support the mission of the Endowment Team. Recipients are chosen by the Endowment Committee chooses each year.
Memorial or Special Gifts
Give a special gift in memory or honor of someone at a death, baptism or other life transition. Please contact Office Manager Jamie Bisek, or call 952.758.3513 for a listing of special needs or opportunities.